Dr Yukari Miyaki
Specialist Veterinary Anaesthetist
Dr Miyake gained her Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree from the University of Sydney in the early 1990s before returning to Japan where she worked as a general practice veterinarian and researcher at the Small Animal Clinical Research Foundation in Tottori. In 1998 she returned to Australia where she was appointed Veterinary Registrar in Small Animal Anaesthesia at the Veterinary Centre at the University of Sydney.
In 2002 she relocated to the United States and undertook a combined Anaesthesia Residency/Master’s degree program, achieving a Master of Clinical Science (MSc) at Colorado State University. This was followed by a posting as emergency anaesthetist at the Colorado State University’s James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
In 2007, Dr Miyake returned to Australia working as an anaesthetist in Sydney, visiting, consulting and giving seminars in various private practices and specialist referral centres. In 2008, Yukari was a Senior Veterinary Registrar in University of Sydney, Camden campus and then joined The Royal Veterinary College as a Lecturer in Anaesthesia.
In 2010, Dr Miyake joined the team at JCU as the senior lecturer in veterinary anaesthesia. She leads both the clinical practice and clinical teaching components of the anaesthesia team at JCU Vet.
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