

Dr Geoff Nicholson is a visiting specialist in small animal cardiology and is available for referral appointments during his quarterly visits to JCU Vet.

Cardiology referral services include:

  • Cardiac consultation / assessment
  • Echocardiography (cardiac ultrasound)
  • Electrocardiography (ECG)
  • Holter monitoring (24-hour ECG)
  • Preanaesthetic evaluations
  • Heart testing certificates for breeding animals
  • Diagnostic and treatment advice inclusive of radiograph and ECG interpretation, advice on medical management, and overall case review.

Dr Nicholson operates on a referral basis only.  We work closely with your family veterinarian who will refer your pet to our cardiology service if required.

Re-check appointments can be booked directly through JCU Vet on 1300 828 838.

Upcoming Visit Dates